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 2001: A Space Odyssey
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"2001: A Space Odyssey"

Watch the complete skit, watch or listen to just the songs. Read the script. Or return to the Holiday Party index.

The complete skit, in three parts
Coming soon...
#1 "Spage Gags To Do". Based on "Magic to Do" from "Pippin". Solo by Jason Hartline.
#2 "Men Wearing Notkin's Countenance". Based on "Knight of the Woeful Countenance" from "Man of La Mancha". Duet by Rachel Pottinger and Steve Wolfman.
#3 "Notkin Lotkin". Based on "Oompa Loompa" from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Performed by the [...].
#4 "The SPTM that Never Returned". Based on "Charley and the MTA". Performance by [...].
#5 "The Restaurant Song". Based on an Animaniacs song, to the tune of "Morpheus in the Underworld" (aka, the Can-Can). Performed by Craig Kaplan and Doug Zongker.
[ AVI (30 MB) ] [ MP3 (1.7 MB) ]

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