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 Everyone, take a chair
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"Everyone, take a chair"

Watch the complete skit, watch or listen to just the songs, or browse the gallery of still frames. Or return to the Holiday Party index.

The complete skit, in three parts
Part 1: Chairman Ed's term is nearly finished and the search for his replacement begins. Featuring "None" and "I Just Mailed To Send ILOVEYOU".
[ MPEG (234 MB) ]
Part 2: Auditions for department chair must move to make way for the "video ceiling". Feturing Snyder's research in synthesizing the perfect TA, "The Alpha-Beta Tango", and "Alan Borning's Song".
[ MPEG (217 MB) ]
Part 3: The department considers outside candidates and finally holds an election. Feturing "One MIT Professor" and "I Just Mailed To Send ILOVEYOU" (reprise).
[ MPEG (280 MB) ]
"None". Parody of "One" by U2. Solo by Jeffery Hightower.
[ MPEG (66 MB) ] [ MP3 (1184 KB) ]
"Alan Borning's Song". Parody of "The Times They Are A-Changin'" by R. Zimmerman. Performed by cast led by Michael Noth.
[ MPEG (37 MB) ] [ MP3 (1047 KB) ]
"I Just Mailed To Send ILOVEYOU". Parody of "I Just Called To Say I Love You" by Stevie Wonder. Performed by the Database Group.
[ MPEG (39 MB) ] [ MP3 (701 KB) ]
"One MIT Professor". Parody of "One" from "A Chorus Line". Performance by Richard Dunn.
[ MPEG (19 MB) ] [ MP3 (789 KB) ]
"The Alpha-Beta Tango". Parody of "The Masochism Tango" by Tom Lehrer. Solo by Steve Wolfman.
[ MPEG (49 MB) ] [ MP3 (874 KB) ]
"I Just Mailed To Send ILOVEYOU" (reprise). Performed by cast.
[ MPEG (28 MB) ] [ MP3 (786 KB) ] [ Lyrics slides (Powerpoint, 225KB) ]

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University of Washington
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