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conventions: [] for stage directions Each scene starts with a notation for the setting and a list of characters who should be on stage. The news reporter and Paul Beame should be on stage (in one corner, probably, for the whole skit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I: 10 YEAR RECOMMENDATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene: [Random boardroom - upstage center there's a table with chairs behind it, name placards, microphones, glasses, and a pitcher of water on it. The 10-year review committee sits behind the table. LAZOWSKA stands facing the committee with his back to the audience. On his back is a sign saying "MIKE ERNST as ED LAZOWSKA" from which hangs a second sign saying: "KICK ME, I'M THE CHAIR" In the foreground, stage left, is the NEWS REPORTER and PAUL BEAME. LAZOWSKA and the 10-year review committee are frozen.. 'off-screen'; BEAME scribbles on his board, gobbledygook about asymptotic analysis of the election; the REPORTER addresses the audience. In the audience, sit PLANTS #1, 2, and 3, well dispersed. On the back wall is a list of the candidates that are to appear, as each one is disqualified, their names are crossed out until only Alon's remains. The list goes: Pedro Domingos Gaetano Boriello Alon Halevy Larry Snyder Oren Etzioni Hank Levy Daniel S. Weld Followed by a bunch of others. Vint Cerf and Mike Ernst are last minute additions; everyone after Weld ends up being cut from the list. ] REPORTER: This is an historic moment in departmental history. With all but the final few ballots in, this race is still tighter than Zoran Popovic's blue zip-loc suit. Hank Levy and Alan Borning have split the vote exactly. While we await the final count, let's see how this all got started. One week ago, the ten-year review committee made their final recommendation on how to replace Hurricane Ed.. [REPORTER and BEAME step back and become non-noteworthy. Meanwhile, the 10-year review committee covers their mikes and leans across to each other, whispering importantly. After a few moments, the head of the committee leans forward portentiously.] 10 YR HEAD: After due consideration, the 10 year review committee recommends that you perform a breadth first chair search in the audition/election model. LAZOWSKA [WITH NORMAL FEELING; *DON'T* SOUND LIKE A TALKING TOASTER]: I'm sorry, what? 10 YR HEAD: You audition candidates, eliminating the mere thrill-seekers early, and hold an election to decide among the remainder. It works much faster than the standard process. LAZOWSKA: Faster? 10 YR HEAD [MILDLY EXASPERATED]: Yes, faster. You needn't go through the whole tedious interview process this way. Interviews are much slower. LAZOWSKA: Slower? 10 YR HEAD [SOMEWHAT UNNERVED]: Of course! Look, you don't have to read their papers, you don't have to ask questions. They just do a little song and dance and you either give them the old one-two or you put them on the ballot. It's like "Chair Search Lite". LAZOWSKA: How light? 10 YR HEAD [WHOLLY DISTURBED]: Haven't you understood a single thing I've said?! It's a simple process. It's just like that Fox Special... [GROPES FOR TITLE] [PLANTS yell out suggestions, almost all together] PLANT #1: America's Scariest Quals Courses? PLANT #2: Who Wants to Marry Mr. December? PLANT #3: When Faculty Attack? PLANT #1: CSE's Sexiest Bachelors? PLANT #2: Secrets of Tenure Revealed? PLANT #3: Surprise Stable Marriage? 10 YR HEAD: No, no, no! The Dr. CS & E Pageant. Auditions, judges' ratings, and a winner. Simple, economical, provably polynomial time! [TO THE AUDIENCE] (The proof is left as an exercise for the audience.) LAZOWSKA [TURNING TO FACE THE AUDIENCE EXCITEDLY]: Alright, I've got it! Let's get on this! I've only got.. [CHECKS WATCH] 4,376,252 seconds left as chair! [LAZOWSKA runs offstage. REPORTER and BEAME return to center stage. During this time, effect the scene change by moving the table to upstage right, facing partly upstage with RACHEL's seat on the downstage end (so she can face the audience).] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Part II: THE AUDITIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene: [Sieg 134 - Notkin, chair selection committe, Gaetano, Alon, other profs, not Pedro (at first). The committee is seated behind their table. The other profs are seated at the front of the audience, or milling around in a group, or something like that. Our attention is initially on the reporter.] REPORTER: After that, the bipartite commission on chair auditions laid out a format acceptable to all. We don't have time to broadcast all of the commission's divisive wrangling. The heated exchange went back and forth across the aisle, words so vehement it seemed as if each pair were arc enemies. Indeed, there was an ugly rumor that none of the candidates even wanted to be chair, and so they were attempting to disqualify themselves. We'll let you decide by taking you back to the auditions themselves. [STEPS ASIDE TO REVEAL THE SETTING FOR THE AUDITIONS] NOTKIN: Welcome, everyone. We've reserved this wonderful space for you to hold the auditions for the new chair. Welcome to our spacious auditorium, Sieg 134. RACHEL: All right, let's get started with these auditions. We were hoping to have one more student member on the committee, but all the first-years say they're too busy. [FIRST-YEAR STUDENT enters, rushing across the stage as if they're in a a hurry] RACHEL: Wait a minute! [FIRST-YEAR STOPS] We haven't asked you yet! Can you be on the selection committee for the new department chair? FIRST-YEAR: [CONFUSED] Huh? What? No way! I don't have time for that I'm late for my 531 group already. ["None", on the trials of first year grads] [ with apologies to U2 ] [ Jeffrey Hightower] Will my life get better, Or is second year the same? Will I ever see the day when My social life's reclaimed? I've got No love, No life, When I'm in Sieg, Every night. No love, I wouldn't dare it. I've got no time, baby, To spare for it. HUB food disappoints me, Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But if I'm never going to see sleep, It's food I cannot go without. The project Due date, Is tonight. But I'm wasting time surfing, News web sites, It's one, But that's not too late, When you're Pulling all-nighters, Pulling all-nighters. None... My friends show me no forgiveness, They've all taken me for dead, While I sit here reading Sipser, They go out for drinks instead. Do I work too much? More than a lot! Two hours sleep again, that's All I've got. To my profs, well it's All the same. I took 531 but have to Do it again. They say, Quals is a temple, Quals the higher law. Quals is a temple, 3.4 [THREE-FOUR] the higher law. Espresso's in the Chateau, So down the stairs I'll crawl. Then back at my desk, I'll nap, 'Til the caffeine hits, 'Cause all I've got is work. No love. No food. No life. I feel so misunderstood. Haven't bathed for Eighty hours, but I Hear the new building is gonna Have showers No sleep, so we're All the same, We get to Wake up each other, Wake up each other, For class... None. [FIRST-YEAR leaves] RACHEL: Well, okay. I guess we'll have to make do with what we've got. Let's get started with these auditions. The first candidate is... [LOOK AT LIST]... Pedro Domingos. [Everyone looks around. DOMINGOS is not there.] ALL: [AD LIB] Is he here?... Where is he?... Is he coming?... Onde esta Pedro?... Esta aqui?... Pedrito? RACHEL: Well, it looks like Pedro's not here yet. Let's move on to our next candidate. We can try and squeeze Pedro's audition in when he shows up. The next candidate is... Gaetano Borriello. BORIELLO: [COMES TO THE FRONT OF THE STAGE.] Thank you, Rachel. First of all, I'd like to point out that I'm taking no public election funds for this campaign. All of my money comes from Intel. COMM MEMBER 1: [NOISILY PULLS OUT A NOTE] Excuse me, Professor Borriello, but I have an anonymous deposition --- signed only "Definitely NOT Gaetano" --- which suggests that you were once convicted of doping? BORIELLO: What? No, of course, not, never... Oh, you must be referring to the VLSI research I used to do... [Note: Zinc --> think, Silicon --> Silly con, Bismuth --> business, Cesium --> seize him, Yttrium --> atrium] RACHEL: Arrests for doping! I can't believe that we have to deal with the criminal *element* at this stage of the process! Did you Zinc that you could just tunnel through our background checks? You Silicon! We'll have none of that Bismuth in our chair search. We're routing you right out of this audition! [TO THE OTHER COMM MEMBERS] Cesium! And, send him back out into the Yttrium. BORIELLO: But wait, I can explain.... It was just a youthful indiscretion. RACHEL: [GESTURING OFF STAGE] I'm sorry. Take him away! BORIELLO: [WALKS OFF STAGE, MUTTERING] Well, that gets me out of that! [GRINS AT AUDIENCE] [DOMINGOS runs in, oblivious to the fact that he's late and has been skipped.] [Throughout DOMINGOS's speech, RACHEL tries repeatedly to interrupt but is unable (raising her hand and waving, clearing her throat, abortively starting sentences, etc.).] DOMINGOS: [ALL IN ONE BREATH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE - NO PAUSES.] Okay, let's get started. I don't think I should be the next department chair because of my valuable contributions to the field of machine learning, particularly ensemble models and decision trees. We wouldn't want to end my burgeoning career. Speaking of which, I've earned an NSF CAREER award, won the National Whirlyball Championships, and received two awards for highest sustained bandwidth on an audio channel. And I haven't even started any companies (yet). [LOOKS AT HIS WATCH.] Oh no, I'll be late, I need to get to Canada before midnight! Poof! [RUNS OFFSTAGE] RACHEL: A chair from Canada! Unprecedented! He's disqualified... Well, let's move on to the next candidate. Alon Halevy? HALEVY: Hello everyone. Thanks for being here. I'd like to be chair because I think it would be a great way for me to contribute to the department and help everyone realize how important database research is. Who needs seventeen other research areas, anyway? We've got it all... theory, systems, AI. I've written a song which I think sums up my arguments.. it's on this slide Zack made for me.. Come, gather round me my students, my CSE family! [BREAKS INTO SONG] [ I Just Mailed To Send ILOVEYOU ] [After S. Wonder, "I Just Called to Say I Love You"] [ Jeremy Buhler ] No emailed jokes Whose time has passed No home employment schemes for making money fast No parodies Of Bush or Gore Just one small worm that wants to be your paramour I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU I just mailed to say your files are gone I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU Open up your address book and let me spawn No building plans No search for chairs No cries for help with linear time-invariant stairs But what it is Will cause such dread It's even worse than all the usual spam from Ed I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU I just mailed to say your files are gone I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU Be more careful with attachments from Alon [ after song, workmen come in, followed by Notkin ] WORKMAN: We're sorry, but you're going to have find somewhere else to meet. We need to install the new video ceiling in this room. NOTKIN: It's all right, though - I've found another place for you to go. It's a grad office, but since we're running out of space in the building, we have to double up, and we've decided that we can use the grad offices as conference rooms when the students haven't signed up for them. Come on up to 224. [ everyone walks out. As they leave, two of the committee members talk to each other] COMM MEMBER 1: Video ceiling? What do we need that for? COMM MEMBER 2: Research. [ Shuffle chairs around aimlessly to set up for next scene.] --------------------------------------------------------------- Scene: [Sieg 224 - similar to last scene. SNYDER, ETZIONI and an AI STUDENT should be present. Committee is still on stage] RACHEL: Okay, let's make the best of our new setting. The next candidate is Larry Snyder. SNYDER [LOOKING LIKE A MAD SCIENTIST]: This is all a mistake! I cannot afford to become chair at this critical point in my research. Why, only recently my group has established a study of matriculating freshmen who are informed of what classes they'll be TAing when they get to grad school. That way they can be sure to take the appropriate courses and be well prepared for their future TA assignments. We're currently working on a system for tagging infants at birth and tracking them throughout their educational career.... CB student: [RUNNING ON STAGE] Professor Snyder, we've done it! We've found the gene that codes for TA capabilities! We can start doing prenatal testing and planning TA assignments while our future students are still in the womb! PLANT 2: Thank God I'm 143 negative!! KEN YASUHARA: [SPEAKING FROM THE BAND, YELLING BACK AT PLANT 1] Darn you! COMM MEMBER 2: Why, that's not even computer science research! Teaching! User studies!! Even biology!!! You're out of touch with this department, Snyder. You're disqualified. SNYDER: Excellent, now I can return to the job of synthesizing the perfect TA! [INSERT MANIACAL LAUGHTER] No one will ever complain about late TA assignments again! RACHEL: Uh.. oh-kay.. the next candidate is Oren Etzioni. ETZIONI: [OPENS HIS MOUTH TO SPEAK BUT BEFORE HE CAN START...] AI STUDENT: [ STANDING UP AND INTERRUPTING] No, wait! Excuse me, there's something I'd like to read into record before you consider Oren's candidacy. [ THE ALPHA-BETA TANGO ] [after T. Lehrer, "The Masochism Tango"] [ Jeremy Buhler ] Oren gave us a simple assignment: Search a game tree with one small refinement "Just prune it," he asked "It's a trivial task If you dance to the Alpha-Beta Tango" But how can I write chess or Othello When in Lisp I can't even print "hello"? This night I feel Will be spent with Guy Steele As I dance to the Alpha-Beta Tango Just one more ply, I think I'm going to cry Why did I take AI? [PAUSE FOR SOB] They tell me it's required. Oh woe is me, I had a mate in three But paused for a GC And let my time expire! Though my code's elegant and orthogonal, It thinks rooks ought to move on diagonals. [SAY "DIOGONALS"] The moves that I choose Only serve to amuse Which is why I am losing when we tango. I used to dream That the time wasn't far off When I'd challenge Kasparov It sounds crazy, I know But today I still feel, That my agent could beat him, If I happened to meet him And we played tic-tac-toe. I should be advancing my research But instead I am tweaking my tree search For my score function's poor And the office next door Wipes the floor with my Alpha-Beta Tango This project's hell! I cons another cell To count materiel I'm down by half a pawn. Then, in a trice, My queen's been sacrificed Now I must pay the price And debug till the dawn... ["NOT AGAIN!"] My agent's not rated "grandmaster" But it's not quite a total disaster Though it's hopeless, you see, It plays better than me When we dance to the Alpha-Beta Tango! ["OLE'!"] [As the song ends, workmen and Notkin enter.] WORKMAN: Excuse me, folks, but you're going to have to leave. We need to install the IMAX theater in this room. NOTKIN: But don't worry, I've found another great space for you to use. It's actually a professor's office, but I'm sure Alan Borning won't mind if you hold your auditions there. [Everyone walks out. As they leave, two of the committee members talk to each other] COMM MEMBER 1: IMAX theater? What do we need that for? COMM MEMBER 2: Research. [ move chairs around to set up for next scene] --------------------------------------------------------------- Scene: [BORNING's office - BORNING is already there, committee members, profs, etc. enter] BORNING: What? What's going on? RACHEL: We had to move the auditions for the new department chair to your office. They've thrown us out of the last two rooms we've been using. BORNING: Oh.. okay. [WORRIEDLY] That doesn't mean I have to audition, does it? RACHEL: No, no, no. We'll have to ask you to leave. [committee members throw BORNING out. LEVY's audition begins (silently) in BORNING's office. BORNING stands outside to sing his song, assisted by random "protesters", students, etc (whoever will sing)] BORNING: Thank Gaia I avoided the chair. I can't fight the man if I *am* the man! Come, gather round my urban warriors; let us reach out to the energy fiends! [ Alan Borning's Song ] [After R. Zimmerman, "The Times They Are A-Changin'"] [ Jeremey Buhler ] Come all you car owners who love to pollute You don't need to drive into work to compute Get that car off the road, you can telecommute Stop spewing your toxic contagion Greet your clients in a bathrobe instead of a suit For the times they are a-changin' Come eager grad students who want PhD's I've got so much to offer, just read my CV I've done work named for colors of high frequency And for birds found in southerly nations UrbanSim is my project, the source code is free Software licensing models are changing Come lazy code monkeys, to work you are loath Playing Quake will not model development growth So get back to your Java, or I'm swearing an oath: You'll be getting a visit from Michael Your untimely demise I've entrusted to Noth And what's left of you we can recycle [harmonica solo] My house has asbestos, it's been there for years And I must wear a mask while the fibers I clear But the darn thing won't fit 'till I shave off my beard Though the thought of it gives me neurosis I'll frighten my friends, they will think I look weird And I'd almost prefer asbestosis After all of my trials, some leave I am due So I'm off to Australia to see Monash U. All you folks in Seattle I'm leaving to stew On the beach I will do my constrainin' For it's summer Down Under when it's winter for you And my climate won't be a-rainin' [ after BORNING's song ends, he walks off and the focus shifts back to the committee ] RACHEL: Well, those are impressive credentials, Mr. Levy! COMM MEMBER 1 [IN DR. CS&E STYLE]: Indeed! A Master's degree in.. ALL: Computer Science & Engineering! [This is a reference to the Stages of Life virus, which LEVY sent out.] RACHEL: However, I think this is the wrong Stage of Life for you to chair the department. Disqualified. Next is Dan Weld. Is Dan here? [ WELD's STUDENTS enter.] STUDENT #1: Hi, we're Dan's students. Are we late? STUDENT #2: We had trouble finding the room. STUDENT #1: Dan just sent us email telling us we're supposed to come audition for him because he can't make it. He did have this message in his email: [Nimble --> nimble, AdRelevance --> add relevance, Asta --> as to, Netbot -> net but] STUDENT #2 [RUSTLES NOTE AND READS]: "With my *Nimble*, industry-experienced guidance, I will *AdRelevance* to department research, pushing the envelope of commercialization. I will make us a force on the *NetBot* avoid the problems experienced by other dot-edus. *Asta* teaching.. well, I'm sure somebody will find a market for it." STUDENT #1: Well, uh, I think we need to get going. We need to get back to writing the faculty skit. [WELD'S STUDENTS leave, WORKMAN and NOTKIN enter.] WORKMAN: Excuse me, but you're going to have to find someplace else to meet. We need to install the 3D Urban Simulation environment in here. NOTKIN: But it's okay - I have one more place that you can meet. It's very convenient, right by the entrance on the first floor. The combination to get in is "one, two, three, four..." [Everyone walks out. As they leave, two COMM MEMBERS talk to each other] COMM MEMBER 1: 3d Urban Simulation environment? What do we need that for? COMM MEMBER 2: Research. [ move chairs around to set up for next scene] --------------------------------------------------------------- Scene: [the Coke Closet] RACHEL: As you all know, the 10 year review committee made it very clear that we need to consider some outside candidates. Our next candidate is somebody named Vint Cerf. COMM MEMBER 1: So Mr. Cerf, what have you done that disqualifies you... uh.. I mean *qualifies* you for this position? CERF: Well, for starters, I invented the Internet. COMM MEMBER 1: Uh-huh, and I'm Al Gore. Seriously, what have you done? CERF: [STUNNED] Well.. I was.. um.. also the basis for the main character in Love Story. COMM MEMBER 2: Who are you trying to fool? Get out of here... [Cerf walks off, stammering and protesting...] RACHEL: Okay, that seems to have fallen through. Who else can we consider? Does anyone else know of any really strong external candidates? [Characters not on stage, esp. PLANTS, begin chanting "Ernst, Ernst, Ernst,..." PLANTS in particular should try and get the audience to chant as well. Lights go down... ERNST enters walking a bike (with headlight) wearing or carrying a bike helmet] [Band starts a beat going and the song begins: One... MIT professor. ERNST's striptease with backup singers] [ One MIT Professor ] [ To the tune of A Chorus Line: One ] [ Steve Wolfman ] ONE MIT professor Whose presentations make you shout. ONE faculty undresser Letting it all hang out. Invariably doing what nobody else can do You'll want his dynamic assets in your chair, too One pass of him and yessir You can just forget the rest. Notkin's boy is second best to none, hon. Joo-ly! Give him the election. Do I Really have to mention Mike's the ONE! VOTE ERNST [ERNST finishes the striptease, striking some memorable pose.] COMM MEMBER 1: [SKEPTICALLY] Um, thank you Dr. Ernst. This... er... *performance* of yours reminds me of something. Weren't you convicted of pornography during your last year of grad school here? ERNST: What, you mean the calendar? No, of course not. The attorney general ruled that those pictures were not pornographic. Is this going to affect my candidacy? Am I going to have to call in the local ACLU? I have connections, you know. COMM MEMBER 2: Doctor Professor Ernst, there is a three-strikes law in this state. After the calendar, the incident with the penguin, and now this, I'm afraid we really can't accept your candidacy. ERNST: That's all right. Anyway, I really couldn't leave my position as department chair at MIT. [ WORKMEN and NOTKIN enter ] WORKMAN: Excuse me, but you need to leave. We have to install the Holodeck in this closet. NOTKIN: I hate to do this to you, but we're really out of places for you to meet. I suppose you could try Room 3, but I really don't know what's down there these days. RACHEL: That's okay. We had 10 or 15 more candidates, but I really don't know how anyone can follow that last audition. I hereby declare the auditions closed. [Everyone walks out. As they leave, two COMM MEMBERS talk to each other] COMM MEMBER 1: The Holodeck? What do we need that for? COMM MEMBER 2: [DONNING SUNGLASSES AND A LAURENCE FISHBURNE DEMEANOR] No one can be told what the Holodeck is for. You have to experience the Matrix on it to understand. [ remove chairs to set up for voting scene ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Part III: TO THE POLLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [REPORTER and BEAME are still in the corner. The REPORTER moves downstage center and speaks to the audience.] REPORTER: At the conclusion of the auditions, Alon Halevy was the only candidate who had failed to disqualify himself. The official voting was still a necessary formality, but the race seemed as clearcut as a faculty/grad softball game with Ladner and Levy on sabbatical. But this election would be as surprising as a Leveson-Sandys marriage, as surprising as Shiva getting tenure, as surprising as Borning in an SUV! Let's cut to the voting... --------------------------------------------------------------- Scene: [voting. The voting booth is stage right, the exit pole is stage left. Characters enter stage right, talk to the machine, and exit as indicated below] VOTER 1: Alon Halevy C2K: Faster VOTER 1: Alon Halevy C2K: Slower VOTER 1: Alon C2k: Vote accepted. [ VOTER 1 walks off stage, banging into the exit pole, stage left.] C2K: [AS VOTER 1 EXITS] Alan Borning Voter 2: Halevy C2k: Vote accepted. [ VOTER 2 walks around, bewildered, misses the pole, and ends up exiting stage right. ] C2K: [AS VOTER 2 EXITS] Hank Levy Voter 3: Alon C2K: Faster, no slower, no okay... Vote accepted. [ VOTER 3 walks into the pole and exits stage left ] C2K: Alan Borning Voter 4: [SEES C2K AND BECOMES EXCITED] Oh.. man! It's one of those new Chadless Two Thousands! Here goes. Ahem, Halevy [ both talk at the same, back and forth for a few exchanges] C2K: Faster... slower... faster... Voter 4: Halevy... Halevy... Halevy C2K: Vote accepted [ VOTER 4 walks past the pole, sees it, turns, smacks into it, and then exits stage right ] C2K: Hank Levy VOTER 5: Anderson C2K: I'm sorry, Commander Corin is not in the election. VOTER 5: No, Richard Anderson. C2K: What? Faster... no slower... VOTER 5: Rich..ard... An..der..son C2K: Vote accepted. [ VOTER 5 stalks off stage left, missing the pole. ] C2K: Alon Halevy VOTER 6: Alon C2K: Vote accepted [ VOTER 6 exits stage left, hitting the pole. ] C2K: Alan Borning VOTER 7: Halevy C2K: Vote accepted [ VOTER 7 exits stage left, hitting the pole. ] C2K: Hank Levy -------------------------------------------------------------- [ back to REPORTER and BEAME. BEAME is scribbling on the whiteboard, drawing diagrams of some sort ] REPORTER: In a shocking display of electoral mismanagement, the voice recognition voting machine selected by the CSE department appeared to have misrecognized nearly every vote it recorded. The election had turned more crooked than Notkin's 5000 sq. ft. *fifth* floor office. But I'm getting ahead of myself... Let's do a quick recap of the exit polls.. POLL MASTER: Our first poll covers the chairman election [HOLDS UP SIGN]. 98% Alon Halevy 1% ? 1% An unprecedented 100% of those answering yes to the question "Are you in Alon Halevy's address book?" voted for Alon Levy. We asked them the reason why they voted the way the did. The results [ANOTHER SIGN]: 1) Alon loves me (99%) 2) Alon who? (1%) In another surprising exit poll, 11% of respondents said they could not find the exit. A further 5% could not find the poll. And an unprecedented 84% banged their shins on the exit pole. When asked whether they approved of this year's chair candidates, 67% of respondents answered yes, 23% answered no, and 10% were not sure. Broken down by gender, 65.4% of the men answered yes, 23.5% answered no, and 11.1% were unsure (with a margin of +/- 0.7%). Of the women, Linda, Rimli, and Anna said yes while Barbara answered no and Susan was unsure. 56% of those polled could not find Seattle on a map. 23% could not find it on a labeled map. 19% could not find it on a map with the word "Seattle" written in big block letters. 11% could not find it on a map of Seattle. 87% of respondents thought Ed did an excellent job as chair. The same 87% believe they were once abducted by aliens who performed horrible mind control experiments on them. When asked to name a notable event under Ed's reign of terror, 65% cited the introduction of the CSE building fund. 33% percent cited the Russians landing on the moon. When asked what they wanted the new chair to accomplish, 52% wanted a new building. 27% wanted to start a Rolly Chair Olympics Organizing Committee. 14% wanted the CSE department to attempt a CSE coup on the United States government. And 7% wanted to construct a steam powered Turing machine in the third floor hallway. And that's all the results we have. Back to you... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Part IV: THE CHAIR-ELECT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene: [ reporter and Paul Beame move center stage most of the rest of the cast (faculty, etc) hangs out behind them ] REPORTER: And that brings us up to date on this election night. We'll be here with you live until all the results are in and the CSE department has elected a new chair. [BECOMING PROGRESSIVELY MORE EXCITED] Indeed, this race is still tighter than a free, three keg TGIF on the fourth floor with flashing lights, live entertainment, a massage club, hundreds of unusably cool techno gadgets, lusty sheep, all the men from the Men of Sieg Hall Caldendar, and a game of pin the funding on the first-year prof!! [CATCHES BREATH] Right now, with 73% of precincts reporting, it's a dead heat between Alan Borning and Hank Levy. Alon Halevy, the only candidate officially on the ballot, has received exactly one vote. [BEAME marches back and forth across stage carrying a sign reading "MONTHS PASS". Everyone checks their watches.] REPORTER: Well, we've finally received the results from all the precincts and settled court challenges, yet this race is still harder to predict than Lazowska's travel plans. We'll have to wait for them to count absentee ballots from Wilson Ceramics and the Systems group. Based on their past voting records, we expect that the Wilson Ceramics will be solidly in Borning's camp, while the systems group will be behind Hank Levy, one of their own. It's still going to be a tight race, but the Systems absentee group is larger, so we'll have to wait and see... LAZOWSKA: Wait just a minute. Hank can't be elected - he's on sabbatical. If Hank is elected, I'm going to appoint Frankye instead. [Lots of back and forth arguing, increasing tempo and volume, descend into madness. Each person should individually choose whether to yell for: "Alon", "Borning", "Levy", or "Frankye", start yelling for his or her candidate, cluster into groups with fellow X-supporters, and generally look ornery. HALEVY will stand above the confusion. BORNING will pull for anyone *but* himself. BEAME continues scribbling on his board. After a while, we continue to BEAME...] BEAME: [ JUMPS UP, WAVING THE WHITEBOARD, WHICH SAYS "UNDECIDABLE" "UNDECIDABLE" "UNDECIDABLE"] I've proved it! The election is undecidable! There's a simple reduction from the Post Election Correspondence problem! LAZOWSKA: [PLAYED BY ERNST, DRESSED AS HE WAS AT THE END OF HIS AUDITION, PLUS SANTA HAT AND SIGN FROM THE FIRST SCENE] Okay, folks, I only have 43 seconds left as chair. We *really* need to choose a new chair right away. [ lots of muttering, grumbling, etc ] HALEVY: [TRYING TO GET EVERYONE'S ATTENTION - THEY GRADUALLY QUIET DOWN.] I'd *like* to be chair. ALL: Really? You *want* to be chair?! HALEVY: Yeah, I like emailing lots of people. I could be chair. LAZOWSKA: Well then, I guess you're wearing the pants in this family now. Come on, everyone join in now. [ the cast comes forward to sing the finale ] [ I Just Mailed To Send ILOVEYOU (reprise) ] [After S. Wonder, "I Just Called to Say I Love You"] [ Jeremy Buhler ] No gaping holes In Win 2K No cheesy songs for skits before the holidays No coffee bar To keep so neat No sounds of hammering and drilling through concrete No building plans No search for chairs No cries for help with linear time-invariant stairs But what it is Will cause such dread It's even worse than all the usual spam from Ed [AND NOW, AMAZING KEY CHANGE #1!] I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU I just mailed to say your files are gone I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU Be more careful with attachments from now on [AND, AS THE ENSEMBLE TAKES OVER, AMAZING KEY CHANGE #2!] I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU I just mailed to say your files are gone ["THEY'RE GONE!"] I just mailed to send ILOVEYOU Be more careful with attachments from Alon From Alon From Alon -------------------------------------------------------------- [Tom Green played "The Chad" in Charlie's Angels.] Credits (in order of appearance): THE CAST Reporter................................Janet Davis Paul Beame..............................Matthew Cary Lazowska................................Mike Ernst Mike Ernst..............................Richard Dunn 10 Year Committee Head..................Steve Swanson 10 Year Committee Members...............Yana Kadiyska ...............Vibha Sazawal ...............Julie Goldberg ...............Molly Bostic ...............Sarah Schwarm Plant #1................................Doug Zongker Plant #2................................Frank McSherry Plant #3................................Justin Campbell Plant #4................................Lindsay's Papyrus David Notkin............................Craig Kaplan & The Beard Rachel Pottinger (Search Cmte Head).....Herself Committee Member #1.....................Maria Gullickson Committee Member #2.....................Jason Hartline First-year student......................Yana Kadiyska The Band................................Shawn Bonham & ................................Jeff Hightower & ................................Ken Yasuhara & ................................Adam MacBeth & ................................Sarah Schwarm Gaetano Boriello........................Jeremy Buhler Pedro Domingos..........................Alex Mohr Alon "Lovemonster" Halevy...............Zack "Loverboy" Ives Database Group..........................Themselves.. ................................Rachel Pottinger & ................................Zack Ives & ................................Isaac "Zook" Kunen & ................................Maya Rodrig & ................................Pradeep Shenoy & ................................Ashish Gupta Workman.................................Gary "Buy a Vowel" Yngve Larry Snyder............................Aaron Shon Computation biology student.............Steve Swanson Ken Yasuhara............................Himself (still) Oren Etzioni............................Tammy VanDeGrift AI Student..............................Steve Wolfman Alan Borning............................Michael Noth Hank Levy and Tom Anderson..............Andy Collins The Code Monkeys/Urban Warriors.........Jeremy Buhler & ................................Rachel Pottinger & ................................Steve Wolfman & ................................Vibha Sazawal & ................................Tammy VanDeGrift & ................................Isaac "Zook" Kunen & ................................Sarah Schwarm & ................................Zack Ives & ................................Julie Goldberg Hank Levy...............................Julie Goldberg All.....................................Themselves Dan's student #1........................Sarah Schwarm Dan's student #2........................Tessa Lau Vint Cerf...............................Andrew Whitaker The Chorus Line.........................Rachel Pottinger & .........................Tammy VanDeGrift & .........................Isaac Kunen & .........................Steve Wolfman & .........................Sarah Schwarm The Penguin.............................MR. WHIFFLES The Chadless 2000.......................Tim James The Chad................................Tom Green The Exit Pole...........................Itself Voter #1................................Vibha Sazawal Voter #2................................Julie Goldberg Voter #3................................Sarah Schwarm Voter #4................................Steve Wolfman Voter #5................................Molly Bostic Voter #6................................Tammy VanDeGrift Voter #7................................Yana Kadiyska Poll Master.............................Isaac Kunen Frankye Jones...........................Herself (in absentia) Reprise Group...........................Full Cast The Audience............................The UW CSE Department! THE BAND Acoustic/Electric Guitar................Shawn Bonham Percussion, Bass Guitar, and Vocals.....Jeff Hightower Percussion..............................Adam MacBeth Keyboard................................Sarah Schwarm Acoustic/Electric Guitar................Ken Yasuhara TECHNICAL CREW Holiday party coordinator...............Vibha Sazawal Holiday skit coordinator................Isaac Kunen Writers.................................Richard Dunn & .................................Sarah Schwarm & .................................Steve Wolfman and .................................Large CSE Subset Faculty Skit Writers....................Daniel S. Weld .................................Richard Anderson Song team...............................Jeremy Buhler and ...............................Ken Yasuhara and ...............................Steve Wolfman and ...............................Craig Kaplan & ...............................Doug Zongker Stage Manager...........................Sarah Schwarm Props...................................Sarah Schwarm and ...................................Vibha Sazawal Best Dolly Grip Boy.....................Cmdr. Corin Anderson Credits.................................Steve Wolfman How to do Movie Credits............... ......http://www.salonmag.com/ent/feature/1998/10/09feature.html "None" by Ken Yasuhara Parody of U2's "One" HighTower Records "I Just Mailed to Send ILOVEYOU" by Jeremy Buhler Parody of Stevie Wonder's "I Just Called" Buhler, Buhler, Anyone Inc. "The Alpha-Beta Tango" by Jeremy Buhler Parody of Tom Lehrer's (parody) "The Masochism Tango" Buhler, Buhler, Anyone Inc. "Alan Borning's Song" by Jeremy Buhler Parody of Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changin'" Buhler, Buhler, Anyone Inc. "One MIT Professor" by Steve Wolfman Parody of A Chorus Line's "One" Howling in the Studio No animals were harmed in the making of this skit. Any apparent harm was purely fictional and created by advanced special effects. However, various animals (including, but not limited to, Fauna NMI Xerxon, Jax von Jevon, Greta, Pixel, and Sprite) got scratched and petted and generally loved. THE END (Next Year in the Urban Horticulture Center) -------------------------------------------------------------- props list: hard hat(s) tool belt electoral map little white board bike bike helmet tearaway pants santa hat (for richard as ernst as ed) voting booth whip water pitcher / name placards / mics exit pole - candy cane striped if at all possible signs for settings, characters - Mike Ernst and Lazowska, with a kick-me sign hanging off it - large pad with settings on it, indicating scene changes (for Paul Beame) - list of candidates (names crossed out as we go) ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX [comments to corin] |